Designed specifically for Life Sciences organizations to track, secure, and drive value from their information assets.


eimDB tracks information that allow organizations to quick answer basic questions about their Information Ecosystem.

What information assets do we have?

Where are they? How many copies?

In what form - paper, PDF, Word, video, text, graphic?

How are the identified? Can users find them easily?

How are they secured?

Which ones are sensitive - IP, trade secrets?

Where are certified copies used in submissions?

What policies apply to what assets?

Who has access? Who should have access?

Who owns which assets?

Are systems properly documented for validation?

What assets reside on a system or device?

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Asset Inventory

Manage Asset Catalogue
Search Tags, Owners, Locations
Export Lists and Catalogue

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Community & Domains

Create User Communities
Define Data Domains
Assign Usage Privileges

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Policy Management

Define Information Policies
Link Policies and Assets
Analyze Policy Coverage

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IM Architecture

Catalogue Systems and Storage Platforms
Track Updates and Validation
Analyze Usage and Potential Risks

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Tools & Settings

Configure Code Lists Values
Track and Manage Issues
Manage eimDB Users and Departments


Maintain a comprehensive profile of your most critical information assets

Track Department Ownership, Domain Membership, and Sensitivity.

Track record retention and legal hold status information.

Tag assets with keywords, values, or format masks for quick searching.

Know where copies are located, and which is the System of Record.

Track standards, regulations, and applicable policies for an asset or domain.

Know who has access and their usage privileges.

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eimDB Home Screen

Gain rapid insight into your Information Ecosystem

  • What assets exist on which platforms?
  • What types of access do users have to assets?
  • How are assets classified and protected?

Our eimDB application tracks information that allow organizations to quick answer basic questions about their Information Ecosystem.

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Pre-configured to meet common needs - fully configurable to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Tailor the eimDB interface for your business with user-defined Lookup Classes.

Classification and Sensitivity

User Communities & Members

Policy types

Stewardship roles

Asset types

3rd-party systems and stakeholders


Track update history and validation evidence for all your GxP systems platforms.

Track SDLC documentation by release for quick access to validation evidence.

Track validation team and qualifications associated with each release.

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eimDB enables Regulatory Compliance across the enterprise:

  • Reduces risk of non-compliance with FDA, HHS, OPDP and global agencies
  • Enables identification, protection, and control of PII, GDPR and PHI/HIPAA-applicable assets
  • Expedites regulatory agency query, reviews, and inspections
  • Provides readily available lineage for certified assets
  • Enables auditable, consistent processes for record keeping and CSV