Planning & Development






Qualify 3rd Parties

Series Four EIM Planning and Development services focus on establishing the IM governance infrastructure assets necessary for a maintain and manage a compliant, high-performance Information Ecosystem.

We provide a variety of services to develop frameworks and foundational elements of a program that ready the organization for execution and deployment of IM initiatives. These foundational elements often include:

Tactical program and transition planning for near-term initiatives

Governance policy framework development

Standard Operating Procedures

Organizational roles and responsibilities framework

Communications and readiness planning

Technology and architecture standardization

Our team can help prepare all levels of your organization in planning for transition and roll out of new initiatives through development of communication plans and training materials that introduce and clearly define new processes, roles, and accountabilities.

Technology and application platform upgrades are often the result of Strategy and Roadmap initiatives. Series Four offers technology and solution assessment as part of its Planning and Development services. We are knowledgeable of leading technologies and data vendors used within the Life Sciences industry and are experienced in not only assessing and recommending suitable “right-sized” applications and solutions, but also in defining configuration requirements and deployment plans.